Heart Story
What is the Heart Story of your business? Imagine your highest visions translated onto your walls as a daily visual communicator of your purpose, your teachings – your "why." Heart and Soul are more and more in demand; make yours visible.
How can you use art as part of your business vision?
Art in business can cause several headaches. How do you determine what and how you choose art? And how does it best support your business? If you are an including leader, it can also end up taking forever to determine - everybody has an opinion :)
If you want to move from the arbiter of taste and old heirlooms to meaningful choices from a business perspective, use art to communicate your business's uniqueness and core philosophies. Tell the Heart Stories of your company.
The art is a visual reminder of the path you are on together.
Art is now an asset to your company - a communicator - a direct marketing and strategy tool. Not just to look good but to have something to say about the Heart of your business.
Art becomes meaningful, "giant post-it notes," reminding everyone from yourself to your customers to your team about the path you are on together!
Taste becomes irrelevant.
Your Heart Story Art helps raise the vibe daily in your business.
Your business' Heart Story is a "stock." A stock of your highest aims, an expression of one or more teachings from your very foundation, an optical path guide.
Your Heart Story becomes a refined vision board helping to raise the vibe in your office every day.
If you are interested in finding out more about a Heart Story for your business, contact me here for a clarifying call.
Much love, Kristina

is a heart story a vibrant tool for you and your business?
Book a 15-minute Zoom chat with me and let's find out
There are no strings attached. It always starts with a connection. I'd love to meet you on a Zoom call and investigate with you, if this new way of using Visual art and awareness is for you.