Framing Guide

The art prints are sold without frames
And the reason is, that these sizes of real glass break in almost 75% of the cases when being shipped. Therefore, framing is best done locally. Also, you get the option to personalize your choice of frame.

I have made this Framing Guide for you to print and give to your local frame shop to make is as easy as possible to get your new art print up on your wall. You will also automatically receive the Framing Guide PDF together with your purchase of a Kristina Buk art print.

View, print and/or download the PDF Frame Guide here in danish.

View, print and/or download the PDF Frame Guide here in english.

Note: The art prints are available in size 1 and size 2, the Framing Guide is different in measurements for the two sizes. Both sizes are shown in the PDF Framing Guide above.