Q: Do you offer free shipping?
A: Yes, I offer free shipping worldwide.

Q: Are the colors on the art prints exactly as I see them here on the webshop?
A: Displays are different both in technology and settings, so the colors may vary a bit from the display when you see them in real life. But I guarantee you, they look amazing ;)

Q: Are the prints sold with frames?
A: No, and the reason is, that these sizes of glass break almost 75% of the time when being shipped. Therefore, framing is best done locally. I have made a Framing Guide you can print and give to your local framing shop to make is as easy as possible for you.

Q: Can I get the same print in different sizes?
A: Yes, The art prints are available in 2 sizes:
Size 1: 75x95 cm incl. 7.5 cm margins  (29.528x37.402 in incl. 2.953 in margins)
Size 2: 56x71 cm incl. 5.5 cm margins (22.047x27.953 in incl. 2.165 in margins)

Q: Can I return the art print and get my money back?
A: Yes, I have a return policy. Read these instructions on how to return the print.